The City Secretary reports to the City Manager and is a statutory position required by State law and the City Charter. In addition to statutory duties, the City Secretary oversees Election Administration; Records Management; Public Information; Alcohol Permits; and the appointment process of Boards and Commissions.
The City Secretary’s Office is committed to support the legislative process, promotes transparency to serve the public, elected officials and city departments. The office strives to provide high quality services and deliver excellent customer service.
- Serves as Elections Administrator for all City of Manor general and special elections
- Ensures city’s compliance with state and federal laws regarding Open Meetings Act and Public Information Act
- Administer and coordinate the records management program citywide
- Prepare and assemble City Council agenda packets
- Preserve City Council’s legislative action
- Provide administrative support to the Mayor and City Council
- Maintain the city’s Code of Ordinances
- Govern the city corporate seal and attest city official's signature on documents
- Process and validate Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission applications
Lluvia T. Almaraz, TRMC
City Secretary
Physical Address: 105 E. Eggleston Street, Manor, Texas 78653
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 387, Manor, Texas 78653
Phone: 512.272.5555
Fax: 512.272.8792