Requesting a Trial - Español


Requesting a Trial with the City of Manor Municipal Court requires a plea of NOT GUILTY and the determination of a trial before the Judge or a trial before a Jury.  The day of your request you will be scheduled to attend a MANDATORY Pretrial Hearing Conference with the City Prosecutor.   Check upcoming Docket.

You have the right to hire an attorney; if you choose to hire an attorney your attorney must send a "Letter of Representation" to the Court and indicate which case file(s) they wish to represent you in.  Once you hire an attorney the Court Staff will no longer be able to discuss your case file with you. Furthermore, even though you have an attorney, you are still responsible for the outcome of your case file(s).  Court Staff recommends you stay in contact with your attorney or check periodically with your attorney regarding your case file(s).  IF YOU ARE A JUVENILE (16 YEARS OF AGE OR YOUNGER) YOU ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND ALL SCHEDULED COURT APPEARANCES, WHETHER YOU HAVE AN ATTORNEY OR NOT.

You also have the right to represent yourself.  If you decide to represent yourself you will be considered a PRO SE DEFENDANT, which will require you to attend ALL scheduled appearances.  Please note, there will be a dress code in force and all Pro Se Defendants shall conduct themselves in a professional manner. Court procedures fall on the Defendant and IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COURT. COURTROOM DECORUM falls on the responsibility of the Court.  Accordingly, the Court shall require all participants (defendants, attorneys, witnesses, jurors, and any other individual) with whom the Judge deals in an official capacity, to conduct themselves and dress in a manner deemed fitting and respectable. Order shall be maintained at all times.  Violation of this rule can result in a reprimand by the Judge, expulsion from the Courtroom or a contempt of Court Order.  No one may talk while the Judge is talking. If an Attorney/Pro Se Defendant is making an objection, only one person may speak at a time. Respect will be demonstrated at all times.   

Court Procedure Pamphlet for Juveniles  Español

Court Procedure Pamphlet for Adults  Español

Courtroom Decorum  Español

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