Municipal Court Records Request

Per the presiding judges’ standing orders (see below), an individual that is requesting copies of court case records relating to an active case filed in the Manor Municipal Court may complete and submit the “Manor Court Records Request” form (see below). Upon approval from the presiding judge, copies of the records may be released to the requestor within 10 business days.


You may submit your request by one of the following options:

1) Email

2) Fax - 512-272-8636

3) In person - 105 E. Eggleston St., Manor, TX 78653

Per the presiding judges’ standing orders (see below), a defendant (or attorney representing the defendant) that is requesting records in possession, custody or control of the state related to the prosecution of the defendant, including copies of records, police reports or video records, etc. must complete and submit a “Motion for Discovery” form (see below), pursuant article 39.14 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Upon approval from the city prosecutor, copies of the records may be released to the requestor within 10 business days.


You may submit your request by one of the following options:

1) Email

2) Fax - 512-272-8636

3) In person - 105 E. Eggleston St., Manor, TX 78653

The City of Manor is a diverse, sustainable community and regional leader with exceptional services, a high quality of life, and a safe environment for citizens and businesses to thrive. 

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