The City of Manor is committed to open government and transparency by providing access to public records in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act (formerly Open Records Act), Chapter 552, Texas Government Code. Public records include paper and/or electronic documentation created, obtained, or used by the City of Manor in the conduct of its business and which are in its custody.
Effective June 1, 2022 , requestors of public information will now have the option of submitting Open Records Requests through an online portal. While other methods for submitting requests are still available, the City of Manor is excited to be able to offer a more convenient option.
Members of the public can track their requests and, when fulfilled, download records from their own online account, or request that access to public records be provided to them through other means.
*** Please Note: If the information requested is unclear or if a large amount of information is requested you may be contacted to discuss clarifying or narrowing your request. There may be charges associated with production of the requested information. You may find more information regarding the charges under the Public Information Act.
Governmental Body's Responsibilities
The Texas Public Information Act does not require a governmental body to create new information, do legal research or answer questions. The request must ask for records or information already in existence. A municipality must make a good faith effort to provide access or copies of requested city records in a "prompt" manner. The Act states "promptly" means that a governmental body may take a reasonable amount of time to produce the information, but may not delay"
Category Exclusion Information:
All public records will be made available to the public as requested, as expeditiously as possible, unless the law provides for an exception to disclosure.
Under the Public Information Act, some categories of information do not have to be released. Exceptions to disclose fall into two general categories: 1) mandatory exceptions that make information confidential and require a government body to withhold information, and 2) discretionary exceptions that allow but do not require a governmental body to withhold information. You may find information about mandatory and discretionary exceptions HERE.
Police Records Request - (Accident/Crash Reports Only)
Crash/ Accident reports are maintained by the Texas Department of Transportation and can be purchased online via the Crash Records Information System ("C.R.I.S") operated by the Texas Department of Transportation.
Note: If mailing, emailing or submitting in person please complete this form and submit for processing
Mailing Address:
City of Manor
City Secretary's Office
P.O. Box 387
Manor, TX 78653
In Person:
City of Manor - City Hall
City Secretary's Office
105 E. Eggleston St.
Manor, TX 78653
Helpful Links
The Attorney General of Texas