Deferral Options - Español
The City of Manor Municipal Court offers "deferral options" or "postponement of disposition" of your citation dependent upon the charge received and upon approval by the Municipal Court Judge. The Municipal Court offers two types of "deferrals".

If you hold a COMMERCIAL DRIVERS LICENSE and received a citation (State Law or Local Ordinance) relating to motor vehicle control, whether operating commercially, privately, or personally,



If you are 16 YEARS OF AGE OR YOUNGER you are required to appear before the Municipal Court Judge with your parent or legal guardian and then you may request a deferral.


Deferral by Driver Safety Course (DSC):



In order to be eligible to request a Driver Safety Course you must make your request on or before the appearance date indicated on your citation. An appearance can be made via US Mail (postmarked by the appearance date), via email to, or in person at 105 E. Eggleston. NO EXTENSIONS. The following are requirements to be eligible for DSC.

1). You must have a valid Texas Driver’s License or Permit; and,
2). Must bring proof of financial responsibility (the Court requires an Insurance Affidavit); and,
3). Must NOT have taken a Driver Safety Course within the past twelve (12) months prior to the
date of your citation; and,
4). You DO NOT hold a Commercial Driver’s License; and,
5). You were NOT speeding 25 miles or more over the posted speed limit; and
6). You were NOT charged with violating one of the following:
a). Construction or Maintenance work Zone when working
b). Passing a School Bus
c). Reckless Driving
d). Fleeing or attempting to elude Police Officers
e). Accident involving damage to a vehicle
f). Duty to give information and render aid
g). Serious traffic violations

7). And, pay the required court fees: $144.00 (non school zone) or $169.00 (school zone) 

The driving safety course must be approved by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Court personnel cannot recommend a driving safety school. There are courses available online; however, not all courses online are State approved. Be careful to make sure they are approved by the State of Texas either through TEA or have a statement that they are approved. Courses such as those offered by the National Safety Council and AARP are NOT approved courses.

You may visit for more information.


Deferral by Deferred Disposition:




The Court offers an option to “DEFER” or postpone the disposition of your case and place you on probation for a specified amount of time, ninety (90) to one hundred-eighty (180) days, during which you must comply with certain terms and conditions. Terms varying depending on the type of violation and not all violations have this option. One of the conditions may be that the Judge request a Driving Record be submitted to verify you have met certain terms and conditions. Payment of deferral fee and court cost are due at the time of your request. Deferral fee depends on the violation you are charged with. NO EXTENSIONS.


FURTHERMORE, you must make a plea of Guilty or No Contest and you waive your right to a trial when you select a deferral.


At the end of your deferral period, court personnel will verify if you have met the terms and conditions of your deferral and forward to the Judge for approval. If terms and conditions have been met and completed by the date specified within the deferral your violation will be dismissed and notice WILL NOT be forwarded to the Texas Department of Public Safety. In other words, No Violation and No Conviction will be reported.


If you fail to meet the terms and conditions and cannot provide satisfactory reason at a hearing before the Judge, you will be found guilty of your violation and your violation WILL BE forwarded as a conviction to the Texas Department of Public Safety. In other words, the Violation and a Conviction will be reported; you are subject to the Driver Responsibility Act.

There may be other reasons you are not eligible for a deferred disposition. Each case is unique and must be reviewed prior to granting a deferred disposition. If you send in paperwork and ARE NOT eligible, you will be notified by mail to select another option to handle your case. In this instance, it is imperative you decide quickly on which option you are requesting to meet deadlines established by law.

FURTHERMORE, if you are 24 years of age or younger you will be required to take a defensive driving course. If you hold a provisional license you will be required to contact the Texas Department of Public Safety in order to retest.

The City of Manor is a diverse, sustainable community and regional leader with exceptional services, a high quality of life, and a safe environment for citizens and businesses to thrive. 

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