Stormwater Utility and Stormwater Management Program


Program History


The City of Manor received its first Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit in 2015 from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). We are currently in our 3rd permit under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES; in Texas it is TPDES). 


Stormwater Management Program Permit January 2019 - January 2024 


In April 2022, the City engaged Raftelis to evaluate the creation of a Stormwater Utility and the necessary rate structure (fees) to support a dedicated Stormwater Utility. Upon completion of this Phase 1 analysis, the City authorized moving into Phase 2 in July 2023. Phase 2 finalized the rate model and parcel-level data which would be implemented into the city's utility bills during Phase 3. In February 2024, the city authorized Phase 3 of the program and began implementation of the drainage fee into the city's billing system and public outreach. The fee is proposed to be effective July 1, 2024.

About Our Stormwater Managment Program


The City of Manor has developed a program to meet state and federal requirements related to stormwater. The objective of the Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) is to reduce pollution that travels into our waterways.


Stormwater Utility Program and Rates


Effective July 1, 2024 each property owner in the city limits will have a stormwater drainage charge added to their monthly utility bill. Property owners who currently do not receive a monthly city utility bill may begin receiving one with only a drainage charge. 


The City Council of the City of Manor held a public hearing in the Council Chambers at Manor City Hall, 105 East Eggleston Street, Manor, Texas, on May 15, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. to receive public comments on the proposed Stormwater Drainage Utility Ordinance. The Stormwater Drainage Utility Ordinance establishes stormwater drainage as a public utility and stormwater drainage fees have be enacted to fund the Stormwater Drainage Utility.


Billing Class: Monthly Rate:
Single Family Residential (SFR) $6.50
Non-Single Family Residential (NSFR) Total impervious cover/2,730 * $6.50


The base drainage fee of $6.50 was determined by taking a sample of the impervious cover of 350 single family properties within the city limits. Impervious cover includes the area of the home, accessory structures, driveway, and other paving. The average impervious cover for a single family property was 2,730 square feet. 2,730 square feet equals 1 Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU). The stormwater drainage fee analysis estimated over 9,200 ERUs within the city limits and to fund the program the minimum monthly rate of $6.50/per ERU was established. 


The stormwater drainage charge will allow the city to better maintain our drainage systems and reduce flooding. The program proposes funding a Stormwater Master Plan and mapping, street sweeper and other heavy machinery, four dedicated stormwater drainage employees, and annual capital project expenditures. Typical projects that could be funded by the drainage charge include: street projects to level or regrade streets, adding storm drains, regrading or modifying open drainage ditches, maintaining existing storm drains and detention ponds, and creek projects to minimize flooding. 


More information can be found in our FAQ document (FAQ Spanish). Questions regarding the program can also be emailed to


The Stormwater Drainage Utility Ordinance can viewed at the link below.


View the Stormwater Utility Ordinance here.

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What The City Does


Several departments within the City are instrumental in implementing this plan. The City of Manor staff: 



What Is Stormwater


Rainwater, snow, sleet, or hail that runs off streets, houses, lawns, and other sites. Since it is not able to be absorbed into the ground, it goes into storm drains and drainage ditches. Once the stormwater goes into the drains and ditches it travels through the stormwater pipes until it reaches a body of water such as a stream, lake, creek or river.


Why Protecting Stormwater Is Important


Stormwater is untreated and goes directly into our lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, or oceans. Wildlife use the bodies of water to live in and for food and water. Wildlife can become sick from pollution that travels with the stormwater.


Types Of Pollution That Can Travel With Stormwater 


  • Oil, grease, metals and coolants from vehicles
  • Fertilizers and pesticides from gardens and homes
  • Yard debris (grass clippings, leaves, etc.)
  • Pet wastes
  • Trash: such as drink cans, food wrappers, etc. 
  • Soil from construction sites and other bare ground 
  • Soaps from car or equipment washing


How This Pollution Affects The Environment


Oil, grease, coolants, soaps, and pesticides are toxic not only to wildlife but also to our drinking water supply. Pet waste has large amounts of bacteria that can make the water unsafe for recreational activities such as fishing or swimming. 


Public Education



When working around the house or on home improvement projects, it’s important to follow these environmental good housekeeping practices to keep your neighborhood and our waterways clean and healthy:


  1. Keep the area in front of your home clean - picking up and disposing of trash and debris in the gutter

  2. When cleaning your sidewalks or driveway, use a broom. Use a pressure washer only when necessary.

  3. Consider using less toxic water-based paints.

  4. Always wash out paint brushes in a sink. Oil-based paint brushes should be cleaned with paint thinner.

  5. Use dry methods for spill cleanup (e.g. sweeping, cat litter). Do not hose down spills.

  6. Store household cleaners and chemicals like bleach, paint, paint thinner, pesticides and fertilizers in tight, water-proof containers for re-use.

  7. Safely dispose of unwanted cleaners, paint and chemicals.

  8. If you are washing your car, wash it in a grass area to allow the detergents and washed off material to be filtered through the vegetation


Pressure Washing Best Management Practices:


  1. Minimize the amount of water used during pressure washing activities, thus reducing the volume of wastewater that needs to be properly disposed. 

  2. Avoid using cleaning products that contain hazardous substances (e.g. hydrofluoric acid, muriatic acid, sodium hydroxide, bleach, etc.) and can turn wastewater into a hazardous waste. 

  3. Acidic, caustic, and detergent cleaners may damage paved or coated surfaces.

  4. Once most of the wastewater has been collected and properly disposed, minimal residual amounts of wastewater that can not be collected and that will not reach storm drains may be left on paved surfaces and allowed to evaporate.

  5. It may be necessary to sweep, or rinse and collect the wastewater from the area, to avoid leaving behind visible residue that will be washed into the storm drain at a later time.

  6. Wastewater with high pollutant concentrations, including wastewater that contains cleaning compounds, must be completely collected and may be left to evaporate.


Commercial and Industrial Measures:


Commercial and industrial sites can also perform actions outdoors that can affect the quality of stormwater that runs off of their facilities. Informational brochures on common stormwater pollution prevention measures for certain types of facilities include: 


Auto Repair Facilities 

Car Washes 


The City of Manor is a diverse, sustainable community and regional leader with exceptional services, a high quality of life, and a safe environment for citizens and businesses to thrive. 

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