Peddlers carry goods, merchandise, or products from place to place and offer those goods, merchandise, or products for sale with immediate delivery.
Solicitors attempt to sell services, goods, wares, merchandise, subscriptions, publications, food or products from place to place and to be delivered at a future date.
Open Air Vendors sell goods, merchandise or services or exhibiting those upon of from a vehicle, cart, stand, tent, or other such structure and excludes authorized food establishments and garage sales. Must be on commercial, industrial, or public property and comply with, when applicable, site development regulations.
The following is required for Peddler, Solicitor, and Open Air Vendor permits:
- Completed application
- A $5,000 bond conditioned for the final delivery of goods, wares, merchandise or services in accordance with the terms of any order obtained prior to delivery and also conditioned to indemnify any and all purchasers or customers for any and all defects in material or workmanship that may exist in the article sold by the principal of such bond at the time of delivery, and that may be discovered by such purchaser or customer within 30 days after delivery.